
Here's what makes us the #1 retailer of remanufactured transmissions online:

  • We have over 1000 remanufactured transmissions in-stock
  • We'll warranty our transmissions for up to 7 years or 1,000,000 miles - including parts and labor.  That's the best warranty in the industry.

And if you can't find the transmission you need - or aren't sure what to buy - call 1-888-842-0023 to speak to one of our transmission experts.


Tear Down

Every time we receive a core transmission, we conduct a thorough inspection for catastrophic failure. If we find any external or internal fractures on the case, we throw it out. Because we value quality workmanship in all of our rebuilt transmissions, we don’t weld or repair any cases with central case damage. Our tear down process is extremely thorough because we use the time to check for any internal or external damages.

Parts Cleaning

After we tear down a transmission, we keep all the parts with the original case. We do this for the sake of concentricity. We thoroughly clean all the parts within the transmission. This removes the old debris and makes it much easier for us to spec the parts for the remanufacturing process.



We have a machine shop with all the right equipment and expertise to re-machine and completely restore any transmission case or valve body in poor shape. The ability to do this in house allows us to maintain our strict remanufacturing guidelines and stringent quality control process. With the exception of new parts, we don’t outsource any of our manufacturing to third parties.

Part Inventory

We maintain a complete and thorough inventory of new parts and remanufactured transmission hard parts. That’s part of the reason why we can assemble complete units in a matter of a few days. We generally have two to three months worth of parts on hand so we can handle any increase in demand without scrambling to find parts.


Valve Body Assembly

We spec and machine all of our valve body assemblies when necessary. We also thoroughly inspect our valve body assemblies for any cracks or damage. We reassemble them with new springs, check balls, and solenoids. Once assembled, our valve body assemblies are tested on our valve body tester. Confirming proper operation before installation helps cut down on transmission failure after complete assembly.

Assembly and Inspection

Once we spec and inspect all the parts, we move them into the assembly stage. Our well-trained technicians work on the assembly line, constructing our units on a daily basis. We make sure that each builder is knowledgable in all the different transmissions we build. We have each builder specialize in a particular family of transmissions for a period of time before moving them to another group for training.

When you see our overall assembly line, you’ll see how much capability we have to produce multiple units a day. We average roughly 100 units a day when at full capacity.


Dyno Testing

After assembly, all the rebuilt transmissions are tested using our 5 custom-built dyno units. These units utilize inertia wheels that are connected to computer simulation programs. The purpose is to replicate real-world loads and driving situations to accurately gauge the transmission’s performance.

We tailor these custom programs to accommodate each family of units. We also customize these programs even further to accommodate each type of vehicle. For example, a 4r75e transmission used in a Ford F-350 may be in the same family as a 4r75e used in an F-250, but we build and test it differently. This is to ensure a product that will provide years of service once installed in your vehicle.

Stored Units

Once our units are built and tested, we store them in ideal conditions at our warehouse. We have over 2,000 transmissions in stock, and they’re ready to be shipped right away. As soon as a customer orders a transmission we have in stock, we pack it and strap it in a plastic container. The way we pack our transmissions ensures that they will be fully protected during shipment. All the converters are installed and braced in place, which protects the pump and the pump seal during shipping and installation.
